Thursday, May 23, 2013

some quick thoughts on the summer shopping spree, and fear of losing players

Just a few thoughts. Wenger is a better talent developer than tactician. Developer, not discoverer. He not only makes the sum of the parts greater than the whole, but his process enhances and develops the individual into a better player all round, in the specifics of where his talent lies, as well as in his overall understanding of the game. Hence drawing flak for playing players out if position. This of course is enhanced by players with an aptitude for learning, e.g. Project youth, and fails utterly on players who already think they know their niche, Chamakh, Arshavin, song in the latter years. Having said all this, and with gooners everywhere harping on the so called 70m war chest, I'd be alright with no or few buys this summer. Primarily because there is already a very solid team to develop on. It excites me to see all the opportunities multiple cup games will have to allow fringe players more game, and hence more development time. What I am concerned, is the short timeline of football nowadays and the ridiculous offers that will come in for the British core when success is achieved in the next 2 seasons. This is also compounded by the apparent notion that Wenger often gets too attached to his developing talent, e.g. Cesc, Judas, and not ruthless to replace as needed with new talent. However, seeing his ruthlessness in late season decision making this year may perhaps show a newer, sharper, back to the culling days of the early 2000s Wenger. The Wenger who sells all past 30, who cuts components for achievement.

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